Greetings from the
EXODUS Network!
We have created a newsletter devoted
to encouraging churches as they become welcoming or
receptive communities to newcomers, retain current members
and recruit new members. We will be giving specific
examples, concrete ideas, and usable plans to enhance the
“promotions” work at your church.
Subscribe now!
Why would a REALTOR® Referral Network publish a
newsletter like this?
Well, here are 3 reasons:
1. We believe in providing exceptional service to the
families that are moving. We have listened to many
families who are moving. They have told us that one of the
most difficult aspects of their move is finding a new
niche in churches and in their kids’ schools. They
don’t feel that they fit in the community. They have
shared stories about how they have been “received” as
a newcomer. We believe that “receiving people” is a
Biblical mandate and a gift that most people can develop.
Most people want to be hospitable, they usually just
haven't thought through some of the issues. We believe
that making church leaders aware of some of these issues and giving
some concrete ways of making some changes will benefit
people who are moving and will strengthen God’s kingdom.
2. Our own family has experienced both an international move
into a totally new culture and a move into a new community
that seemed much the same as our childhood communities. In both of those instances we struggled to use our gifts and minister as an effective part of that community. It took some creative energy to help our kids develop
friends. Some people of the community were very helpful with their hospitality. Sharing some of these experiences may help others
to recognize changes that can be made in their lives and communities
to nurture receptivity.
3. We want to let people know who we are and what we do.
We feel that our FREE service is of great benefit to
families on the move. We are very selective about the Real
Estate agents we recommend. We check references and
continually evaluate REALTORS® so that the moving family
gets the added assurance that they will be working with
REALTOR® they can trust. When a family uses our services
they will have access to a great deal of community
information as well as housing information. We believe
pastors, leaders and church office staff are in a position
to recommend our services and we are eager to serve.
In His Service,
Cindi Veenstra, Director
The EXODUS Network